• SINCE 1920 •

Serving Pima County’s Legal Community

520.294.1200 • legals@dailyterritorial.com
100 N. Stone Avenue, Suite 300 • Tucson, AZ 85701

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The Longest Running Newspaper in Tucson.

The Daily Territorial was founded in Tucson in 1920 under the name of The Daily Reporter. In 1978, publisher E.D. Jewett acquired The Daily Reporter and eventually renamed it The Daily Territorial. Its office was at 1 W. Orange Grove Road and remained there until 1990, when the Jewett family sold the paper and it's press to Wick Communications Co., and the operation was relocated near the Tucson International Airport. More recently, The Daily Territorial was moved to 2900 E. Broadway Blvd. Wick Communications Company, a family-owned company based in Sierra Vista, Ariz., committed to community journalism and a free press.

When Arizona became a state, Legislators understood that in the United States, each of us has a right to information about government and about other activities that touch our lives. This information is disseminated through what are known collectively as Public Notices. Today, The Daily Territorial is the official newspaper for Pima County government public notices. These notices are legally required for publication. We also publish public notices for individuals, municipalities and courts within the county, including Tucson, Marana and Oro Valley. The Daily Territorial also features general news and information, as well as public records, or listings of information taken from documents and files that are open and available to any member of the community.


  • Monday-Friday, not including postal holidays

  • We strictly publish for Pima County.

  • Summons: The Summons will have the Petitioner’s and/or Plaintiff’s name (you) as well as the Defendant’s and/or Respondent’s name (husband/wife), the case number and will say Summons under the case number.

    Notice to Creditors: The Notice to Creditors will typically have your name and address in the top left hand corner, in the text it will have the name of the deceased, case number and under the case number it will say Notice to Creditors. If there isn’t a case number involved, it will have the name of the deceased and just say Notice to Creditors.

    Notice of Hearing (Superior Court): The Notice of Hearing will be labeled (form 4), it will have the name of the child(ren), the case number and say Notice of Hearing under the case number.

    Notice of Hearing (Juvenile Court): The Citation Notice of Hearing is what is needed, it will have the child(dren) name and date of birth, the case number and underneath the case number it will state Citation Notice of Hearing.

    Notice of Hearing Regarding Application for Change of Name: The Notice of Hearing Regarding Application for Change of Name will be a short one page form that will be left blank. It is the responsibility of the client to fill this form out, as well as pick the hearing date.

    Articles of Organization (LLC): Once approved by the Corporation Commission they will send you a Notice (for publication), it will have the name of the company and the file number filled out. The rest of the form must be filled out by the client with the Articles of Organization that were initially filed with the Corporation Commission.

    Articles of Incorporation: The Articles of Incorporation is what is needed for publication, these forms are what were initially filed with the Corporation Commision.

    Articles of Amendment: The Articles of Amendment, these forms are what were initially filed with the Corporation Commision.

    Articles of Dissolution: The Articles of Dissolution, these forms are what were initially filed with the Corporation Commision.

    Application for Authority: The Application for Authority, these forms are what were initially filed with the Corporation Commision.xt goes here

  • After publication is complete we send you a copy of the ad, the affidavit of publication and a receipt. If the courts are involved, the affidavit of publication is what they will want from you.

  • We accept publications via email (legals@dailyterritorial.com), mail (100 N. Stone Avenue, Suite 300 Tucson AZ 85701), or you may walk them in.

  • We do ask for prepayment on all ads, you can pay by credit card, debit card, cash or check. We do take payment over the phone as well mail.

  • • Subscribers receive a mailed copy Monday through Friday except for postal holidays

    • Also available at our office: 100 N. Stone Avenue, Suite 300 Tucson AZ 85701

  • Public records are listings of public information taken from records that are open and available to any member of the public.

  • Public notices are the listings that are legally required for publication.

  • Go to https://apps.supremecourt.az.gov/publicaccess/caselookup.aspx

  • Manuel Coppola

    Manuel Coppola


  • Stephanie Dickey